Saturday, October 24, 2009

7 Skin Care Tips for Changing Seasons

Does your skin feel tight, dry and irritated with the cold weather change?

Low humidity can cause feelings of extreme dryness, itchiness and irritation for your skin. This can lead to inflammation and conditions such as rashes and eczema.

7 TIPS that can help:



    Put away your harsh cleansers and switch to a gentle cleanser that's safe for even the most sensitive skin. Don't over-cleanse.


  2. TONE

    Instead of using drying alcohol based astringents choose a moisturizing toner.

    Your skin needs to be soothed and balanced, not dried out further by an astringent.



    Your skin is itchy because the dry air is sucking the moisture from the top layer of your skin. Apply extra moisturizer until you feel relief. Never be afraid of using pure oils on your face. Some good choices are Almond, Jojoba, Grapeseed, Hazlenut, Rosehip Seed. These oils will not clog your pores, they simply condition and feed your skin with much needed nutrients to keep it functioning properly. They also help prevent moisture evaporation from your skin. Add essential oils to target specific areas of concern.



    Exfoliate your skin twice a week to remove dead skin cells. This will help your skin to absorb the nourishing oils you apply. Use a gentle exfoliating agent like Lactic Acid to avoid unnecessary irritation. Avoid harsh scrubs on your face, which will irritate and damage your skin more.


  5. AVOID

    Avoid taking very hot baths and showers or using hot water to wash your face. This can lead to extreme dryness and itchiness. After bathing, pat skin dry and apply a soothing and healing lotion containing MSM and Aloe Vera onto skin to moisturize, heal and protect. Avoid products containing artificial colors and fragrances which can cause rash itchy skin.



    Make sure you get your daily minimum amount of water (the general rule is ½ your body weight in ounces. If you weigh 150 pounds, you would drink 75 oz. of water per day.)



    Always use a safe sunscreen- in every season, outdoors or indoors. Even on a cloudy day and behind windows, the sun's rays can damage and age your skin.

    When snow skiing use sunscreen containing SPF 15 or higher(try Tinted Sunblock); snow reflects 80% of sun's rays.



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